Wednesday, 1 May 2013

The art of pissing silently

This six weeks away were supposed to be a time of reflection and time for me to be thinking  forward.
This time away has also given me an opportunity. To develop new life skills

The skill of pissing silently

Living in a small flat in London, with paper thin walls, that denote separate areas called rooms, one must inculcate new and inspired ways to do things with the utmost privacy.
Hence the art of pissing silently.

I share my sisters home, a duplex flat in the middle of north London with her partner and their lodger, a blonde Swedish male.  I am not used to sharing space and I tend to just let things flow, but do you know if you angle yourself  properly on the toilet seat, you can have a major piss, silently, without sounding like Niagara falls!

When I first got here, I was like the country bumpkin, clueless about how one should go about doing private things silently......I now know how to share a space and to have everyone not know I was in the toilet with a very full bladder......

It's really do learn new things daily!


  1. haha, that's a great life skill. Now if I could only teach that to my husband. He pees so loudly I swear they could hear him down the block.

  2. Hee! That's pretty funny. There's nothing quite like paper thin walls!
