Monday 2 July 2012

the confused indian or as some say...the anglophile

Definition of the word from the free dictionary online "a person with a fondness for England and things English"

In some ways I think I am one.  The English movies, books, music heavily influenced my younger days as opposed to everything american (would that be an Americanophile?)
My mother was brought up with rules from her grandfather who was an absolute Anglophile, was an interpreter in the British courts in Singapore from 1913.  He was recruited from India where the British were still colonial masters, to come to South East Asia to work.  He was,  when he first came to Singapore, in the police force.  He later moved up into the courts as a clerk and then as an interpreter. My grandfather followed his father into the same profession.

Mum tells stories about her growing up years in Singapore before the war, when her grandfather would come home from the office and expect everyone to be washed, dressed and sit down and have evening tea together.  A very British way of doing things.  After the war Mum was sent to India as there they had farms and the food was fresh and still more than what was available in Singapore.  What her grandfather didnt know was that the war of Partition would soon take place in India as well.  But thats another story!

 My maternal grandfather who was an avid reader, read Geroge Elliot and Oscar Wilde and in school we did do alot of Shakespeare and Jane Austen.  I remember reading all the Enid Blytons books when I was growing up, as well as going through my Grandfathers collection of books.  At home  we were not allowed to speak singlish and my parents and my grandfather as well, were particular about our pronunciation, enunciation and grammar.

So yes my siblings and I did grow up somewhat favouring the english culture and to this day I do prefer English comedies and music to the American genres.  My sons also say I tend to have a very British accent when I am extremely mad and are telling them off!
I have never felt totally Asian or Indian, (see earlier post ) we were confused Indians, not quite the same as everyone else here but not English at all either. Cosmopolitan before it became fashionable. Anglophiles!!

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