Monday 15 October 2012

smart phones?

There is this Facebook page (Facebook is useful for something) that is called Fuck Sensitivity and it posts lots of silly pictures, jokes and is generally  politically incorrect. Which is why I like it.
They posted this recently.  I would very much like to do this the next time I go out for dinner with friends or should I ever date again (one horror date was texting his ex-wife through out our date, and while I sympathise that they had an issue with their 30 something daughter,it still wasn't nice!)
 I think I would like to see how people react if I asked them to do this. To put away the phone and concentrate on the people that are there.
Too many of us are joined at the hip to our devices. Smart Phones and those pesky tablets. We cant let go of the need to be continually connected.  I wonder why.
Do we feel we will miss out if we don't constantly update Facebook  or  reply to every message  that we get  immediately?   Are we really that important that we are required to be contactable 24/7?

I do my best to never reply or answer the phone when I am out with friends or on a date.  I turn my phone to silent and only check my phone when I am in the loo or on my way home.  I figure that if I  have been asked to partake in a meal with friends I should give them my full attention. I have of course, on seeing people take out their phones, do the exact same, and check my messages.
 Time to stop.  Time to put away those phones and learn how to connect with friends the old fashioned way, face to face.

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