Thursday, 23 August 2012


text from son no 2, this morning

son :    Are u in Perth?
Me:    No still here, at work
Son:    When you going?
Me:     Tomorrow night, flight at 11.30pm
Son:    Ah okay
Me:    Why, Whats up?
Son:    Just wondering.  How long you gonna be gone for?
Me:    A week, back next Friday.  No strippers at home please.
Son:    I'm more worried about laundry

Monday, 20 August 2012

cheap flights

I love a bargain.  Getting a good bargain makes one feel a little smug, like I managed to beat the system in some small way.
I was feeling restless last week so I trawled through the papers and chanced upon an ad for flights to Australia going cheap.
So I bought a ticket and am going to Perth to see my sister this coming Friday.
I guess being single and with an adult (by age not mental capacity) son, I can just up and leave for holiday when I feel like it.  Quite liberating.
so come Friday night I will be on a flight to Perth for a week.
Yes still on detox so that will make for an interesting holiday!

Thursday, 16 August 2012

making babies in singapore

Singaporeans are a sad lot.  We need campaigns to make us wash our hands, not to litter, and  be courteous to each other.  We also have things like Kindness week!
Recently our Ministers have been preaching about our low birth rate.  Some bright spark at mentos decided to make a music video celebrating our National day with a song about national duty.
Its funny, its tongue in cheek and it got everyone talking.
it also got mentioned in one of the blogs I follow -

Its all about Singaporeans having sex, or the lack of it, and procreating.  We are a multi cultural society, so we have Indians, Malays, Chinese and one other classification for 'Others', and it seems that the Malays top the procreating stats, then the Indians and lastly the Chinese.  A letter was published in our papers yesterday from a Chinese man asking what did Malay husbands know that Chinese husbands didn't?  He wants to know how the Malay men get their women to have babies.  I feel sorry for that poor man, god knows what he has to deal with at home.
Mr NZ has a friend who dated a Chinese girl and she wouldn't have sex that often with the man.  When he did ask her for sex she retorted "If you want to have sex more often, you should have dated a Malay girl!!"
I am not going to justify any stereotypes here, but....

I think we need a campaign to have more sex.
any ideas??

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

friends and facebook
I have a love hate relationship with Facebook.  I like keeping in touch with relatives and friends but I hate the constant updates that people post daily. I like being the voyeur, peering into peoples lives, and yes that does frighten me to think I can be the creepy person peering secretly into someones life.  But then to make myself feel better, I equate it to a daily dose of gossip.

Why would someone like me, who isn't a very social person actually get on facebook in the first place.
I created an account at the behest of my sister, who lives in London, with the sole intention  to keep in touch with friends and relatives who lived far away.  It then just got out of hand.
People kept sending me friend requests and I kept accepting them.  Even if I didn't think they were close friends.  I was told its a social network so I had to be social.  I don't like being social, I don't like making inane conversation just because I have to.
My parents were very social (Mum still is) and they used to entertain alot when we were younger.  I used to hide in my room when they had parties.  Mum and Dads friends, now when I meet them say they couldn't remember me,  and I am sure they were just being polite as I think they just never knew I existed.  Which was fine by me.
So,  here I am with an active social network account that I sometimes hate and want to delete.  Then I remember all the good friends I have on facebook and  family that live too far away and I don't see as often as I would like, and I know I cant delete my account.
I know I will continue with this dilemma and perhaps I should just delete all those people that arent real friends.  Hmm I think its time.....

(picture and link is from a blog from the Fuse marketing group, go read the post)

diary of a detox - day 11

day 1 -
 I want my fucking coffee!!  caffeine withdrawals hurt my head.  Its only been 3 hours since detox started today and I want my coffee!! Brain function slow, like in dreamland and not fully awake.  Fuck this is going to be hard!
What on earth made me think that Monday was a good day to start detox! What the fuck was I thinking to even start this!
I eventually had to take 2 paracetamols to kill the throbbing headache

Day 2 -
up earlier than usual today, (still want my coffee) had to cook up enough food to last the whole day in the office.  and to make sure I had some food for dinner.  Pilates today after work, so wont get home early and will be tired.  thought that popped into my head as I was cooking stir fry beef, whats going to happen after the three weeks?  hmm perhaps should have thought about that before I started this!

Day 3- yes this post is going to be 21 days long, well maybe not,  as I could give this whole mad idea the boot.  not feeling too bad today, head still aches a little.  Who would have thought that just one cup of (very good) coffee a day would haunt me on my detox!  I still want my coffee!

Day 4 -
controlling my food isn't the problem, the problem is that I have to cook food for all meals.  that means me going home after work to cook for the next days lunch.  I am tired out from work and then doing laundry at night then cooking enough veg and brown rice to make me want to eat a good lunch. then washing up all the mess and cleaning up.  its fucking exhausting!  but coffee cravings getting less.

Day 5,6 & 7
I am still on detox, haven't been a naughty girl and gone off it.  Its been interesting looking for alternatives to gluten.  Millet, favourite food of cows, pigs and generally most livestock seems to be a healthy option to wheat.  Its actually quite good!  Coffee cravings no longer there but I do still WANT a cup of coffee.   Like Alcohol, there have been weeks where I haven't touched a drop and it didn't bother me, but this time I think its because I know I am not supposed to have any, that makes me want it even more  We always want what we cant have right!!

Day 11
Half way through -
I think I can do this.  But I miss coffee. As long as I remember why I am doing this I think its fine.  Its only eating out that will pose a problem.  I am off to Perth tomorrow  and have actually requested for special meal on the plane.  I always wanted to be one of those with dietary restrictions so I get my food first on the plane.  wonder what the food will be like, no dairy or no gluten.  Hope I dont fall off the 'wagon' in Perth!

End of detox
I kind of made it right through the detox.  I did cheat a little when I was on holiday but I got back on it pretty quickly.  Its ended now but I am still gluten free (99% of the time) and dairy free.  Coffee, my wonderful aromatic best friend brew is back though!! I doubt I could ever give it up.  I do feel alot better with the detox and going gluten and dairy free.  No more bloating, no more looking like I may be 6 months pregnant and even the farting (lets call it like it is now) is almost minimal...
so yes the detox was hard but it was bloody worth it!!

Saturday, 11 August 2012

conversations and inane happenings

To son no 2  - " Dont bleed all over my floor!"  he had cut himself shaving....

sign I put up in each toilet cubicle in the ladies toilets at the office because I was sick of women behaving badly.

To a friend who just broke up with her boyfriend " Dont call him, dont email him, dont text him"  and this from me, the one who does it all wrong!

Son no 2,   after his trip to Bangkok with some friends, " I didnt find the midget sex shows'
Me :  ' Oh poor baby

Me:  I am going on detox starting Monday
Son No 2:  Huh?  Why?  How will this affect me?
Bless him, only thinking of his stomach and if I will be cooking for him.....shithead.


So its finally going to happen
I decided to seek help for the flatulence, the bloating and the misery that contributes to menopause.
I went to see a naturopath.  Its like its better not knowing all the shit that is going on inside of you, when you realize what you have to do to feel better.
I have been told I need to do a detox diet for three weeks!
last bit of wine b4 detox

no gluten (read no bread, cakes, pastry, pasta, oats) no tomatoes, no avocados, no pork, sausages, no fruit, no diary and the worst of all no alcohol! Oh and no Coffee either!!!
I will have to cook my own breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday, as I have to avoid preservatives, soy sauce which is found in abundance in all hawker food island wide.
Its going to be hard but I am determined to do this.  Come Monday I will be on Detox!

the Olympics are on?

I havent watched anything.
Its just on too late here, all the good stuff happens way past 2am Singapore time and I just cannot stay up.  I sleep early, by 10pm (10.30pm latest) on a weekday and am up by 6.30am.

I need my sleep if not I am cranky, miserable and generally bite anyone's head off if they even dared to speak to me.  So the Olympics are like on another planet for me.
I dont watch the highlights as I know the outcome so why bother to see who wins the race!
I of course admire the dedication that all the athletes put into their chosen sport and I do see that there is a lot of technical know how etc etc.  But I still cannot find the motivation to lose sleep and watch them compete.
I was never (and am still not) a very sporty person.  I think its because I hate losing,  and in sport I KNOW I will lose as I do not have the physical traits to compete.  So I just dont bother.
Perhaps that is why I dont bother watching or get all excited about the Olympics, and I think its a lot of money wasted for the opening ceremonies but thats another story altogether!

So I wait patiently on the sidelines for Olympic fever to be over.

Monday, 6 August 2012

The perfect date

What would the perfect date be.    I am sure we all have different ideas in our heads on what is the perfect date.  I have simple needs so my dates arent elaborate affairs that require copious amounts of money. 
Of course these dates are not first date scenarios, these are dates with someone you know and care about.  Someone who wants to share your life with you

Date & Time - Saturday afternoon about 4pm
Location 1 - A park
Location 2 - interesting area to check out strange/interesting buildings
I have never expected my date to pick me up, so it has to be a meet at the location kind of thing.  Stroll in the park with interesting conversation about the people we see in the park, the history of the place, the general atmosphere.  Taking pictures of interesting things is essential.  It could also go either way - if it rains, it will be perfect to see how he would behave (and I guess he would also see how i would behave, run screaming that my hair and makeup would be ruined.... not bloody likely!)  anyway, after the stroll and chit chat, we find someplace to sit and enjoy a drink  and a snack.  In Singapore our national pastime is eating so food places are aplenty in every area of the city/country.  Translate this scenario to the interesting area to check out strange/interesting buildings  and you have 2 different locations to choose from  for my perfect date. 

2nd option of a perfect date
Date and time - Friday evening after work
location- a place with food & music.

This would involve alcohol.  I want to know what a person is like under the influence.  I want to see that side of his personality.  It can be a deal breaker so once you get comfortable with a person, go drinking. (of course I may already have had that disaster date with too much alcohol and then this guy wouldn't be that date would he?) I figure if I haven't seen him get drunk,  this would be the time to do it,  it would either end up hilarious or a fucking disaster!  Anyway....
The date would be at a nice place to have a drink and just chat about your week.  Food would be bites and music if possible, would  be a live.  If no live music,  then a nice place that plays old music.  Sleepover preferred and breakfast the next day too.

Simple scenarios for what I deem a perfect date...
Now to go find the man................