For those of you fortunate enough to have that significant other in your life this is something you wont have to bother with. But for us single and perhaps desperate ones out there, the profile you write will determine whether men will take notice or just delete. The competition is fierce, and all you have is this one page with some witty words (or not) and a few pictures to capture a mans attention. How to make that first glance count, how to make a man sit up and take notice.
So I did some research on the dating coaches out there that can help you post a good profile. There are programmes out there that can help women like me to navigate this online dating world with ease. Its an investment in yourself (these things cost money) and I figured I was a good investment. I also researched the right websites, OKCupid was out, thats just a hook up site, which I learnt the hard way, and was fast becoming the same. Was there one for older people, people who werent 24 and bouncy? Did I really want to do this (again)?
Getting my mind ready to take this plunge hasnt been easy and I have taken my time to wrap my head around dating again. I know it will take time, I know it will take more than just a great profile on a dating website. It will take commitment, a good sense of humour (when the dates and men are bad) and it will take perseverance.
One thing I have never lacked is tenacity and wanting to get things yes I am ready to find a dating coach and get that brilliant profile posted.
If nothing else comes of least I will have something to write about....