Friday, 27 August 2021

what to do with my linkedin connections

How does it work when you have retired and still have a Linkedin account...

Do I want to keep the account?  should I just delete it?  or just leave it to fester online.

I have turned off all notifications so my linkedin account will just stagnate out there in cyber space.  Its like somewhere, some place, it shows I really existed, I really had a job that paid me.

Which begs the question why do I need that justification of having existed and worked for a living.   I have met and connected with many people, people I didnt like, People I really liked and people that I have worked with. While I valued most of their roles in my working life, that is where they stayed.  Just at work.  I no longer exist in that stratosphere..

I dont want to see what my connections are doing as I just dont care enough.  I also dont want to see what my ex boss is doing as her recent actions in the office have made me realise that like her husband (the finance manager) she is not who I thought she was. 

Some connections became friends, some good friends some not and some that made me think that friendship is just a word they bandy about..  
My real friends have my phone number and they chat with me often.  So why do I need a reminder of people I worked with? Why do I need a reminder of what I used to do?  I know what I did, and I am proud of the work I have done.  
Do I need to keep the linkedin account to make myself feel better... or is it just a reminder that I traveled, did events around the world and had fun while I worked.  I loved what I did and its now over.  It became a chore in the end, not because of the work but because of the people.

so what do I do with my linkedin account....

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