Sunday, 3 November 2019

joys of living alone part 1

I am afraid of living alone.....

Not for the obvious reasons but because when I am alone i have no one watching what  I eat..
or rather I feel ashamed enough not to be a pig when I know someone else lives with me and knows what  I am eating.

Now that I am alone, I can eat what ever I want and no one can call me out on it.. which sort of is like if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around does it make a sound... 
If I eat 3 bowls of ice cream for dinner and no one sees me, did i really eat it??

But my tummy knows what I did.  When I sit on the toilet groaning, I know what I did

I am a stress eater.  I eat when I am sad and stressed and crave  the warmth and comfort that food gives me and I am a person of extremes, black or white never grey and that is exactly how I eat.. either I am so good and disciplined and on the opposite end I eat like there is no tomorrow.

at my age ( I turned 57 recently... What!! 57! bloody hell) I need to be more aware of what I put in my mouth as eating like a teenager just doesn't quite cut it when one is a rapidly aging hippie wannabe...

so while my adventure of living alone commences, I must remember that I now have to take care of myself

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