We lie to each other, to strangers and to ourselves.
Little white lies, big honking lies, lies to get away with not doing things, lies to save ourselves.
What would happen if we stopped. can we actually get through a day without lying
I tell lies, little white lies, lies to save myself but I steer clear of big honking lies as I am not good at lying. I realised very early on that I was not good at lying. I got caught out as lies usually have to be stretched and one lie begets another..
its exhausting.. so I just stick to white lies and little lies that are of no consequence.
But what about the lies we tell ourselves.
Lies we tell about what we do to others, to justify what we do.
I lied to myself about Tinder, I deleted my account as I know I am not ready to date or to meet someone new. I lied to myself about my family. its hugely complicated and maybe one day I will write about my family and the games we play.
I am going to challenge myself to not tell lies, white lies or lies to make myself look better.
It will be difficult, I will falter but then I am only human and never perfect.
But at least I will be able to look myself in the mirror and like what I see.
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