Friday, 29 July 2011

single or attached

Where does one go to find single men in Singapore.  Are there any decent single men left to find?  Do I really want a Boyfriend?  so many questions!! What is a woman to do .....
On one hand I love my independence and being alone, on the other hand I want to connect with that special someone and be special to someone.  I wish I could make up my mind!!
A few years ago I decided that I was ready to head back into the murky depths  of dating.  I tried it the "new" way, I went online!
For me it was a whole new ballgame, dating that is, not just online dating.  I got  married at a very young age and I didnt have many boyfriends before I took the plunge.  ok ok i married the first man i met really!  anyway, after the extremely messy divorce it took me a while before I was ready to put myself out there again.
The men were interesting,  they were strange, they were fun, I was taken advantage of, I was made a fool of and I realised that I was extremely naive.  I do have a decent amount of common sense so at least I didnt get physically threatened.  My ego took a bashing occasionally, but that was all. I met some good men and I am still friends with them now.  I also found someone I really really liked, alas he wasnt ready for a relationship.  So now its back to the drawing board.  Do I go back online, and go through that whole rigmarole of posting a profile, going out on a dozen one date wonders before I actually meet one decent man?  Maybe then I can blog all about the pitfalls of dating .......

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Is it time to quit Facebook

I have deactivated it twice, both times because I got "friends" i didn't think were friends but accepted their friend requests, and now don't know how to delete them without  feeling like a horrible person.
I joined Facebook to stay connected to close friends and family but its gotten out of hand.  Its become too intrusive in a way.  Why do I need to know where you are 24 hours a day?  Why do I need to know what you do every waking minute of every day.  I am still undecided on what to do.  I will be having a bit of fun on it though.  I intend to be as annoying as possible on it
I like it that I can post my pictures for friends and family to see what I have been up to and in turn can see what they have been up to.  Perhaps its time to trim the fat, get rid of all those Quasi friends and act like its a problem with my facebook and I didnt actually delete them!  hmmm

I kind of like this blog thing, keep writing and publish if you want to, and IF someone actually reads the ramblings, hopefully it will raise a chuckle or two or a slight shake of the head and they move on (hopefully)

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Musings of a domestic goddess wannabe

Feminists around the world will cringe when they read this but I really love cooking and looking after the men in my life.  Don’t get me wrong, I love working too, its like theres this split personality inside me, one that would give up working and just stay at home and cook & clean and achieve Domestic goddess status, and the other part where the buzz of the corporate world pushes me to climb the proverbial ladder.  Right now domestic goddess is winning and corporate goddess is slacking ever so slightly.

Is there a balance?  Has any woman actually achieved it really without some compromise somewhere?   

A kitchen filled with tantalising aromas, the smell of freshly laundered sheets and towels , the squeaky clean floors and bathrooms, they all add up to give me this sense of accomplishment !  watching the son wolf down those fluffy muffins or the aromatic curry, makes me tingle with motherly pride and instinct!

Two weeks later, I can actually detest the smell of detergent or laundry and wish I had hired that woman to come clean the damn flat for me!  And if I cooked another meal I would probably throw it at that ungrateful slob called the son!   

Ah well, that’s life!

(picture is courtesy of - J & O Fabrics Online  -

Wednesday, 6 July 2011