Thursday 26 November 2015

off to London I go

So I get a whole month off.

I leave for London on Friday evening and I only get back at the end of December.  Its a sort of holiday I guess, I will have to be general bottle washer and cook for my sister who had her left foot reconstructed last week.. last year she did her right foot and now it was about time to get the left one sorted.  She will be on bed rest with no weight allowed on her left foot for 3 months.  I could only commit one month to help out.

Thing is, when people hear I took time off work to go be with her in London, everyone is surprised and thinks I am doing a lovely thing for my sister.... but seriously, wouldn't you try if you could, to be there for your family and besides, come on people, its London for fuck sake.   Hardly a chore to be in London for Christmas and I do love the cold and winters...
It's a no brainer as far as I am concerned, that you do your best to be there for people you care about and love.  It's non negotiable.  Its a sad world if anyone thinks that I am doing something good just because I am going to help someone I love.....


  1. Hope your sisters has a speedy recovery. Think you'll have snow to x
