Thursday, 17 January 2019

plastic ..evil necessity

So the fight goes on

but I wonder if its going too far...

an article in the Guardian caught my eye about Marks & Spencer in the UK, they are now going to sell fruit and veg loose, so you can pick and choose your own and put it in a paper bag...

While the idea of loose fruit and veg is good...didnt we stop using paper because there was just too many trees being sacrificed?

will this initiative just come back and bite us in the ass because we are now using too MUCH paper and wooden things to counter all the plastic use?

There has to be a happy medium somewhere out there.

I like the idea of loose fruit and veg, I dont like the idea of plastic bags (in Singapore there are rolls of single use plastic bags available everywhere in supermarkets) and paper bags that people will start using to put the loose produce in.  

The idea to shun everything plastic and start on wood and paper is frightening... its not practical. what has to change is the throw away mentality, the single use mentality.  What we should be aiming for is to stop take away plastic containers, stop cling film, stop packaging everything in plastic.

Singapore is not doing its part to recycle or raise awareness in the use, disposal and recycling of plastic.  We are very far away from thaking the step from plastic to brown bags.  Its shameful how we use so much single use plastic - this article in our national paper in July last year brought home the reality.  it was mind boggling how much we used and threw away. Heres a snippet from the article - 

"people in Singapore take 820 million plastic bags yearly from supermarkets.Only 2 per cent of these supermarket plastic bags were recycled by consumers. Two-thirds were used for the disposal of waste.The six-month SEC study, undertaken with the help of global consultancy Deloitte, also found that Singapore used 467 million polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles a year and 473 million plastic disposable items like takeaway containers.

Less than 20 per cent of these items are recycled. The study did not include plastic bags given out by places other than supermarkets." Read the whole article - link below

So where is the happy medium? How we do we achieve a balance?

How do we refrain from using plastic but not swing so far the other way that the trees are obliterated from the face of the earth..

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

holiday time

I thought long and hard about going on holiday

I need a new phone ( am still using an Iphone 5) i think i need new glasses and both those things are not cheap.
I have had to count pennies this year with a new job where I work only 3 days and yes less days does equal less money.

But I needed a holiday, so the new phone will have to wait and so will the damn glasses.. as I am off to visit my sister in the UK.
She recently moved out of London, to Warringotn which is in between Manchester and Liverpool.

So i have 2 weeks in February ( and I get to spend her birthday with her too) up in Cheshire to explore castles and parks and walks.. I am now counting down to the holiday.... 19 sleeps to go.....

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

i need a holiday

I should have been seeing my chiropractor every 10 days or so but I completely stopped looking out  for me and got too involved in trying to do things that were not important.

I was busy for no reason.
I let myself get to the point where I had to lie in bed and was not able to clean the home. it bugs me that i cant clean, it bugs me that I am not in control of my body.
My body kicked up a fuss and said "damn you woman.. just stop!"

I am sore, in pain and finally went to see my chiropractor again.  She was not happy, it seems I have become worse than when I first saw her.
I am tense, muscles all knotted and its not just in my lower back.  I need a holiday.

a break from family, work and home life.
a break to just relax.

hmm where can i go.....