Thursday, 17 September 2015

weighing on my mind....

So recently I have been extremely strict with what I put into my mouth.... food wise that is

As I need to watch my gluten intake, I decided to limit my carbs as well....eating less is so much easier than exercising.
I have been a very good girl these past four weeks and I think I have achieved my target of losing 3 kilos, however I have this fear somewhere in the pit of my stomach that the weighing scale is faulty.

I cannot believe that  the change from 63 to 60 kilos happened within a week......

While I want to believe,  that stupid voice in my head says " are you fucking mad...of course the machine is faulty"
so son no 2 and I had a discussion this morning
Yes, son and I are paranoid about putting on too much weight and we weigh ourselves every morning...but we do eat healthy regular meals and chocolate is part of it...

Stay tuned to find out if the machine was fucked up or I actually have lost more weight......

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Decision made

So I made my decision.....where work is concerned

I gave in my notice last week and I start my new job on the 1st of November.

I wont have any time off in between jobs but then I will be taking the whole of december off and will be in London to nurse/look after/feed my sister, who will be having foot reconstruction surgery on her left foot.

Its less money, but I will be working a 4 day week, time to slow down and take time to do things for me, myself and I.

I had to go back in my mind and figure out why I left the old company in the first place....ego, my ego was rather large and formidable.  Am happy to say it has been tamed and told to behave.  I have no illusions of grandeur anymore, no wish to advance my career, I just want to slow down and be able to travel and take time off to see and do the things I want to do before I get too old and doddery.

its semi retirement, handing over the reins to the son, so he will have to dig into his pockets and actually start contributing to the household bills....

Another new chapter.....

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

flip a life coin

I have never been good at choices

I screwed up my whole life by making all the wrong choices, or letting people make the choices for me.....well in a way I  made the choice to let them make the choices so in some crazy way,  I made the bad choices....if that makes sense?


One would think that as I age I would get better at this.... but nope, I am still making bad choices...

I work in a very volatile industry and market conditions  dictate the budgets that companies spend on events...if they don't spend, we don't get work. With so much happening in China, the rest of Asia will feel the impact which translates to a slowing economy. How will this affect me and my choices, I was offered a job recently, to go back to a company I worked for from 2001 to 2010.
so knowing there might be a slow down looming, is it wise to move?

Lets call the company I am in now...Company A
stay where I am and enjoy the 'protection' of a company that is a global player - even though I feel like I am swimming in shark infested waters.....and with a slowing down in the economy is my job safe here?

Lets call the Old place...Company B
go back to the old company that doesnt have the global shield, but still works very much like a local company, hence employee benefits a 4 day week for less money and where I know the work and still like alot of people there. Again if the economy slowed and work dried up,will they fire me...last in first out....

Company B have been talking to me for about 4 weeks and things moved pretty quickly at first,  then when it was time for them to send me a contract, they dragged their feet and it pissed me off.....It takes 5 mins to  change a few things on a contract template.   If I had not sent a message to them to say thank you but no thanks as no contract, I wonder if I would have got the contract....

I was almost certain that I would leave Company A for B, but their procrastination gave me food for thought. If they still couldn't  get their act together, to send me a template contract, did I really want to go back?  Am I worrying too much?

what is a woman to do....flip a coin?