So I recently
got 3 books to read, not fiction, but 2 are like psycho analytical books on figuring
things out about oneself.
There is a
lot going on in my mind and I need to learn to move on and discover how my past
is inhibiting my present.
I wouldn’t call
it a self help book, its more of a what the fuck did I do to become like this,
or as some would like to call them “self
awareness books”
The book
explores how our childhood defines who we are as adults. Its heavy going but there have been a few ah
ha moments already…
Its helping
me see things about addiction and depression.
I am a sugar addict. If there is a chocolate in the fridge, it has
to be eaten.. no such thing as leaving it for tomorrow nonsense. Its not a joke
anymore, especially when I can go through a whole bar of chocolate in one
All of my siblings
have an addiction, alcohol or some other substance. My father was an alcoholic. Its only my mother that doesn’t have an
addiction, so I wanted to explore if addiction was nature or nurture.
Seems there
is only so much we can blame our genes for and everything on how we were brought
has been in the news quite a bit lately and I know I suffer some
depression. It has made me think that
its only the menopause but I know deep down that I have always had this darker
side where I withdraw from everyone, hence the fact that I cant have a relationship...
So lets see
if the book will give me some insight and clues on why I am the way I am..