Its that time of year again, to lament on the passing of yet another year gone, so quickly that it left my head spinning.
I didn't make resolutions for 2014. I figured, resolutions never got fulfilled anyway so just start 2014 fresh. so this post is a reflections post rather than, did I fulfil my resolutions post.
I started a new job
where I learnt how to dodge bullets and stand up for what I thought was right. I am proud of this achievement. I have always had and still have a very black or white stance on doing the right thing, there is no place for grey here. I stood up and defended my beliefs and I was surprised when people backed off when I did that. Its not easy and I know I will have battles in the future but knowing that I can stand up and speak and have people take a step back, knowing that I am no pushover, is a good feeling.
I blogged less
I blame the job, as I now have less time to blog and my best time when my head is full of words is in the morning when I have to be at work and have to rush headlong into the 'joys' of holding dual responsibilities in the office. I also have been censoring myself as there were alot of things I couldn't say.
Heart vs Head
I had epic battles inside myself. Go with the logical choice of the head or let my heart heart won in the end. Here is one instance where I have had to censor myself as I had to (and still have to) speak to those involved before I posted anything.....obviously I haven't been as honest as I should be.
sometimes isn't as great as its made out to be.
Its been a hard year for me, as I have tried to figure alot of things out. I lost respect for some people, People that I trusted and thought were good human beings. I found some really good people to include in my life. I realised that I couldn't save the world but I knew that I could still look myself in the mirror and smile. I learnt to trust my instincts and stand up for what I believe in. I learnt how to use my new camera (and am still learning), which has been one of my greatest joys in 2014.
I learnt how to let go and not always be in control and it is a good thing.
So do I have a resolution for 2015?
Yeah I do....
Blog more
Take more time off to take pictures
And be as honest as I can be.....
endless possibilities in 2015 and I welcome it with open arms